Beside Still Waters: Daily Devotional from the Psalms

Regular price $20.00

Devotional books are a wonderful way to connect with the Word of God on a daily basis. However, many 365-day offerings provide little more than 60-second sound bites to sustain readers for brief reflection. So if you’ve been searching for a devotional reader that takes a deeper dive into the book of Psalms, then you’ve got a trustworthy guide in your hands.

Journey into this fascinating Bible book of history, poetry, prophecy, wisdom, and song with Pastor Barry Stagner, author of the acclaimed 365-day devotional, Body Builders. You will not only be inspired in the moment, but invigorated with insight to go the distance as the Psalms come to life in the context of today’s hectic world. 

Regardless of what season of life you’re in, Beside Still Waters will revive your soul and sustain your spirit with timeless revelation and practical application as you walk day by day through the majestic and marvelous book of Psalms.